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Josh Kelly Aged 23, 10 Weeks Transformation

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Well done to Josh 👏🏻👏🏻💪🏻 Hard work and dedication pays off. Josh was a beginner to training just 10 weeks before starting with me. He was looking to transform his body fast before his holiday but did not know where to start.
He gave his all into every PT session with me, stuck rigidly to his nutrition plan and followed the training programme I wrote for him to the letter.
Fast forward 10 weeks and the results speak for themselves.

Matt Stark Aged 36, 11 Weeks Transformation

Matt aged 36 started with me at the end of June with the goal to become fitter and be in shape for his wedding in Italy in September. Matt had previously been training in the gym for a year and had not achieved the results he wanted. Matt embraced the training, never missing a session and stuck to his nutrition plan I wrote for him. As you can see fast results are possible if you really want them. Well done Matt!

Amelia K Aged 19, 10 Week Transformation,


Amelia aka Mills came to me wanting to get fit and lose some weight before she went back to Uni in just 10 weeks. As a beginner the first few weeks were hard as she had never lifted weights before and struggled with what felt like large amounts of food she had to eat. Mills stuck to the programme I wrote her and the macro nutrition plan which at 19 years old on her summer break wasn’t easy but she did it! Well done Mills!

Max Thomas Age 33, 20 week Body Transformation


Max who is 33 years old decided he wanted to change his lifestyle to a more positive happier balanced routine; improving his strength, fitness and owning a great physique in the process. To say he had a journey is an understatement. Showing inspirational discipline I am so proud of what he has achieved.

Max says he feels amazing and now has a powerful golf swing to top it off too! Well done mate!

Frankie Age 37 Full Time working mother of two Transformation


Frankie who works full time and is a mother of two wanted to get fit and in shape but was limited to the number of times she could train at the gym each week. After a 6 month period including Christmas Frankie is now fitter, slimmer, stronger and more confident. In her own words “my body transformation became a life transformation”. Smashed it Frankie! Well done

Bella Transformation for a Bridesmaids Dress 20 weeks


Bella works two jobs which keep her very busy and last year she decided she wanted to lose weight and drop bodyfat for her friends wedding as she was to be a bridesmaid.

Working within the framework of her lifestyle we came up with a training programme she would enjoy and Bella stuck with her nutrition plan tracking everything she ate. An incredible achievement as you can see! A whopping dropping of bodyfat % and slimmer, stronger and fitter! Well done B!

David M Aged 45, 16 week Body Transformation


David who had already lost a lot of weight over the years and had completed 7 full Ironman events before starting his transformation. David’s goal was to lose body fat and build a more athletic looking physique. He also had a physical goal of being able to do Chin Ups and Press Ups.

David stuck to the bespoke programme I wrote for him and his nutrition plan too which was challenging with him working in London and also coming into training with existing sporting injuries but he batted through and now owns the athletic physique he always wanted too. Crushed it!

Lee Rogers Age 39, Body Transformation


Massive well done to Lee who transformed not just his physique but his whole mental well being and ultimately his life.

Lee’s goal was to lose bodyfat and feel fitter, stronger and leaner. Achieving his goal in approximately 8 months including holidays, stag dos and Christmas parties.

Now sticking to his nutrition and keeping up his exercise. Lee is now living his best life!

Laura Aged Mid 30s, 9 Weeks Bridesmaid Dress Transformation


Well done to Laura! Laura had a bridesmaid dress to get into in just 9 weeks. As a mother to a toddler and also working full time in a busy role her time for training was limited. Yet with determination in every training session, adherence to the nutrition plan and pure grit she did it!

Christine Aged 46, 3 week Christmas party dress Transformation

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Christine came to see me with an urgent goal of losing weight fast before Christmas. Christine struck to the disciplined nutrition plan I gave her and her training programme including 3 gym sessions with me per week. The Results were rapid and dramatic! she smashed it.

Kate Aged 38, 16 Weeks Transformation

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Kate who is a 38 year old mother of two young children, gave it her all in training, stuck to the programme and followed a disciplined flexible dieting approach to the nutrition plan I gave (which was her choice) for 16 weeks including a few parties and some alcohol! 

Kate's body fat percentage % dropped progressively and she obtained her goal weight and figure. Well done Kate excellent determination and results to go with it!

Annette B 60 Years Old - 12 Week Transformation


Annette at 60 years young started a 12 week body transformation with me. During her transformation she has been deadlifting, squatting and kettlebell swinging her away to her goal. Always ready to try out new exercises and loved to have a little dance break in between her sets. Annette didn’t miss one session and followed her nutrition to a T. Annette now loves lifting weights and the way her shape looks from her new hobby. At 60 years young Annette proves its never too late to get yourself in shape and start to adopt a healthier lifestyle with the odd glass of wine or two and a party chucked in. Well done Annette you smashed this, maximum respect to you!

Dani W Aged 33 6 Weeks Fast Body Transformation


Dani’s results in just 6 weeks were incredible! Especially as she suffers with an often debilitating Autoimmune illness called Crohns. Dani showed true grit from the start and was determined to train through our sessions despite often suffering with abdominal pain, cramps and fatigue caused by her Crohns. Dani followed an adapted nutrition plan and still managed to achieve her figure whilst having the odd packet of Haribo Squashies her favourite sweets. Well done Dan you inspiration!

Emily H Post Natal Body Transformation


Emily came to see me post natal with the idea of transforming her physique to lose weight but not necessarily the curves. We had to first start with the basics post natal with specific exercises to retrain her core. Whilst putting together a strength training programme for her making sure to include her favourite the Barbell.

Emily smashed every training session and the results speak for themselves! Well done Em!